Richmond Field Hockey Club (RFHC) is a not-for-profit club that was founded in 1970 to facilitate the game of field hockey. Our Club currently consists of Junior Girl’s teams and a Senior Women’s team. Men’s and boy’s teams are welcome, however, currently we do not have any. Our home field is located at Minoru Park, Richmond, BC, Canada and we are always looking for new members to join our Club.
Our History
RFHC began in 1970 through the efforts of Pat McMahon, a parent who wanted to offer his son and other boys an alternate to baseball in the spring of the year. Pat was raised in England and was familiar with field hockey so he, with the help of the Jokers Field Hockey Club, started a boy’s team. The number of boy’s teams grew and in 1977, Jim Rice, a club executive member, contacted Lance Carey to ask if he would take on the role of player coach in order to take a group of the older boys into the Vancouver Men’s League. The club was growing!
In 1983, Sharon Fathers, initiated a women’s team within the structure of the club. Two of the original members, Shirley Beglau and Anne Murray, remain actively involved with this team, The Rebels, today.
1984 saw the introduction of Spring League Field Hockey for girls in Richmond, BC. Nancy Carey, Roberta Hawbolt, and Cheryl Taunton launched the program with the assistance of Jenny John at BC Field Hockey. It was this step that was the catalyst for the real growth of the sport of field hockey in Richmond. For the next decade RFHC was able to offer field hockey to men, women, girls, and boys in Richmond. The men’s sides eventually faltered while the women’s and girls’ sides have grown.
Richmond, BC CANADA
General Inquiries: rfhcinfo@gmail.com